Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dallin Nicholas Blair

A full tummy and a warm bed....heaven on earth!

Just hangin' loose

You don't say....

Grandma Sally and Dallin

One week old...Born Aug 4th 2008....8 lbs 5 oz 21 1/2 " long

Summer projects

New food storage shelves to hold dry pack!

Our less than 4 yr old washer began leaking...At $210 to repair...we went to a high efficiency 4 cubic feet washer...uses 1/4 the water and soap...30 min dry time too..will save tons!

Our new Soap stone propane more cold movies in the winter! Yea!! Thanks Sam

Back view

Replaced the older part of the deck and enlarged it somewhat...such a great space!!

Boulder County Fair 2008

Red Raspberries 2nd

Onions 2nd place

Red beets 2nd place

First place beans...about 3/4 " longer than the competition

These choke cherries took first place and Reserve champion...thanks to Jesse shower water!!!

This is the First place/Grand Champion grapesFirst place swiss chard

All the jars directly behind me are my canning entries...ready for pickup. Yes, I'm smiling...I made $250+

These are my County fair ribbons...19 blue, 11 red, 2- 3rds. 6 champion ribbons and one Reserve Champ

Cherry Pie

The Nanking Bush cherry bounty!

Hard working girls..pick Nanking bush cherries and make cherry juice...30 1/2 gallons!

Audra told them if they picked enough pie cherries she would make them a pie..they did and pitted them too!

Ready for your first bite?

Grandma's Camp 2008

Estes Park The Fourth of July 2008
Amber and Sissy looking very patriotic!

Let me wear them dad!

Foot and wheel races...go Cullen go!

Going out for a pass!!!

Dog pile.. on Grandma

Nick...this was a fly almost went into your sleepy mouth!!!

Basket ball fun...did you get enough Zack?

slip and slide fun...we wore out one and Grandpa Sam hunted down another one ...

Carla and Rich

Amber, Cullen,Jess, Mark

Trying out the new deck!

Sissy, you have a dirty face!

Show off

Madison's birthday....all over her face!!
How did that happen?

Jesse lookin' buff

Eat your heart out Girls!

Taking a break

Big hike at the cabin

Audra a "baby toatin" Mama..

We really are almost there!


Cullen showing his wheelchair skills

Carson showing his walking skills

You are never too old to have fun!

Cant keep our hands off Audra's yummy rolls!

Carson doesn't sit much anymore

Sissy picking flowers

"Grandma this is a BIG flower!"

Mixing Pizza dough

Yum Yum

Cullen says "Grandma I am eating a leaf".